There are only 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who know binary, and those who don't.
I love the challenge of mastering new systems & technologies. My ideal environment involves working with a small team to create or improve interesting systems and processes. However, I also work quite well independently and in management positions.
I have over a decade of experience troubleshooting problems with —and creating solutions for— systems ranging from home user's personal systems, up through enterprise level cloud systems.
I love to zoom out and see the larger picture, finding broken processes and tool inneficiencies, and then addressing them. A well-oiled machine runs faster and cheaper than an out-of-tune one. Your organization is no different, but the pieces of your machine (your workers) feel the pain of the grinding gears, unlike an engine.
I utilize a wide array of skills ranging from hard technical know-how (such as scripting and query optimazations), to soft (putting clients at ease, ensuring that we hear them, and that we can and will address their needs).
I have experience designing and maintianing a Zendesk instance which drove down response times, drove client satisfaction to over 96%, and sees traffic over twelve thousand utilizations per year. I have also worked in-depth on Oracle Service Cloud, specializing in reporting, analytics, custom objects, email, & back-end utilities.
I have created full-stack systems for IoT & automation systems from the hardware level through high-level flows utilizing Home Assistant, etc.
I have managed small teams (< 6), & have been deeply involved in hiring and on-boarding large teams (20-30) in short periods of time.
I know or have used the following, though some only at a "Hello World!" level: AJAX, AWK, BASIC, Bash, C, C++, Java (back-end & GUI), JavaScript, jQuery, CSS, DHTML, HTML, MQTT, Perl, PHP, SASS, SQL, SSI, XHTML, XML, & XUL.
Proxmox, Amazon AWS, Oracle Service Cloud, JIRA, Zendesk, Cloudflare, The Wisetail LMS & LXP, UserVoice, Pivotal Tracker Microsoft Access, Home Assistant, Arduino, ESP8266, ArcGIS (+IcoMap), Firefox add-ons (Legacy), GCC, & GitHub.
I mostly run Linux boxes (historically Debian, Mandrake, Mandriva, Mint; currently Ubuntu, & Raspbian). Though I do have Windows 10 running on some (mostly virtual) machines. I'm quite fond of MacOS, and prefer Android over iOS.
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